The power of dental video marketing lies in establishing the credibility of your practice. Video content has the ability to effectively convey both information and emotion to give your dental office an advantage over those who rely solely on the written word to promote their practice.

Nevertheless, some dentists appear to be apprehensive about using videos as a means of connecting with their patients. This is understandable: you didn’t go to dental school to learn how to shoot promos. However, failure to harness the power of dental video marketing can leave you lagging behind the competition.

Video marketing is sometimes viewed as an expensive luxury, suitable only for large corporations with huge budgets. The reality, though, is that top-quality video production is affordable because – according to over 75% of businesses that use it – it gives a good return on investment. (also a study conducted by Forrester found that a website with video is 53 times more likely to rank higher than pages that only present text based content)

Seeing is believing, and dental video marketing builds trustworthiness among both existing and potential patients.

A video allows you to introduce yourself to new clients before actually meeting them for the first time. You and your team can give them a guided tour of your practice as you explain what they can expect during their first visit. This type of video content allows potential patients to get a real feel of what sets your dental office apart from others.

While helping to produce a dynamic website for your dental office, video content is proving to be a formidable Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool.

California-based Mist Media Inc., which specializes in television and other media production, asserts that video on the landing page of your website makes it over 50% more likely to rank highly in Google search results. Meanwhile, Google is showing more and more keyword-optimized YouTube videos in their organic search results.

Connecting with Real People

For someone searching online for a dentist, a video is a compelling form of marketing, particularly footage of current patients showing off their beautiful new smiles, which enables potential clients to connect with real people who have benefited from your dental treatment.

Besides patient testimonials, a video is a great way to showcase a new development within your dental office by creating a buzz about a new piece of high-tech equipment or a new associate in your practice, for example.

A video can also reinforce your site’s FAQ page by allowing you to appear in the flesh to answer questions commonly asked by your patients, including queries about how to look after themselves at home after a procedure.

While we’re on the subject of procedures, these can usually be best explained visually via the power of dental video marketing. You can use a video to give a detailed description of a treatment, which can be easily understood by a layperson.

Strategic Placement of Dental Videos

While your website provides a natural home for your videos, it doesn’t have to stop there. The power of dental video marketing can be channeled into social media campaigns. Videos can also be strategically placed in online directories and embedded in email newsletters to patients.

As the new version of word-of-mouth, social media is a great way to engage with existing patients, and therefore highly beneficial for reaching out to new clients and generating referrals.

With social media playing such a major role in modern marketing techniques, it pays to bear in mind that your patients are likely to be using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube on a daily basis to connect with their friends and businesses they’re interested in. For dental offices, this level of activity in the modern social sphere provides a powerful vehicle to interact with patients, and video attracts attention much more effectively than written content.

People are increasingly turning to smartphones and tablets to engage with social media, and online videos account for half of mobile web traffic, so a dental marketing video on these types of platforms gives your patients the opportunity to connect with your practice more frequently on the fly.

Why You Need the Professional Touch

To make sure you get the full benefit of the power of dental video marketing, you can’t beat the professional touch: a poorly made video that fails to capture the attention of the viewer is unlikely to have the desired effect of connecting with patients or potential clients.

The DentalROI specialist video production team understand the importance of patient engagement through the power of dental video marketing. While watching cute kittens frolicking around may still be a popular pastime for some, most people now expect to gain some sort of value from video content, especially if they’re engaged in the dental practice selection process.

Focusing too heavily on promotion in your video can raise a red flag to your audience that they’re simply being presented with yet another boring advert. To gain and hold viewers’ attention, your video content needs to demonstrate what makes your practice different – for example, how your philosophy towards patient care makes you stand out from your competitors.