Online Reputation ManagementYour Dental reputation is everything! What are your patients saying about you? Studies have shown that consumers are just as likely to trust online reviews as reviews from friends and family.  Managing the reputation of your dental practice is critical to attracting new patients and retaining them. Even the best practices can get an undeserved negative review. Be proactive so that the good reviews outweigh the bad.

Get Great Reviews

Managing your reputation is not just putting out fires, but getting great reviews for the dental services you provide. We can provide you with the tools to both gather and display great reviews on your website, as well as direct happy patients to share their reviews on sites like Google+, Yelp, and Facebook. We also provide the opportunity for unhappy patients to leave feedback so your staff can connect with them in order to catch negative reviews before they get posted online.

Finding reviews

We will proactively help find reviews of your practice online. When we find negative reviews we'll help you reach out or respond online. When we find positive reviews, you'll have the option to reward patients who left you a glowing review. Sometimes not responding at all, or even knowing they exist, can be the worst thing you can do.

Patient Reward Programs

Happy patients who love doing business with you, are more likely generate buzz with people they know. Give them even more reasons to be happy!  We can help you establish a reward system or loyalty program that incentivizes them to share their experience and to keep coming back for all of their dental needs.